

 Hi! :) 💖 For the last blog, I’m going to tell you about the blog experience and other things… I think that my blog experience has been varied, because initially, it made me happy… it was fun and I liked them… but with time, and barely any classes, I don’t know if I’m doing well or not… so, there is only one work left and is not fun. Now, talking about me, 2021 hasn’t been good for me, I have had more negative experiences that positives. To start, with pandemic and online classes all day, I started to have back pains so bad, and it is something that I had not suffered before. And also, university and academic work caused a lot of problems in my mental health, but now I’m better without theoretical subjects. But, I think that is better when we tell about positive things, for example, I passed all my subjects 😊 I’m undefeated hahahaha… So, I hope to learn more English next semester, or in these last weeks in this semester… and also I hope that the next year will be better for all of us


Hi :) 💖 This blog theme is free, so... I'm going to tell u about my university best friend. Her name is Catalina and I met her in 2019. We both had "Taller 0" classes, so, we shared a lot of time together. Since that time, we have never separeted. So, for this reason, we always work together, and we are a great team. We complement each other because we are similar but at the same time we are so different (mentally and physically). For example, our music tastes are so different, she likes many artists and genders, and I'm not really into music... but we both enjoy art, drawing or any artistic activity... She has a beautiful redhead hair, she is thin and is taller than me. And I have brown hair (with some fantasy colors parts), I'm not thin hahahah, and my skin is darker than hers... Another example is that we dress different, she has a vintage style, and I love dresses with many colors, or sometimes I dress only with black And she is a doglover, and I'm catlov


Hi! :) 💖 Today I´m going to tell you about my favorite subject of this semester. Its name is "Architecture and Earthquake". Since I started this carreer, I have been waiting for this subject, because I think that it's sooo interesting and entertaining, I really love this area of architecture. In class we started with an introduction about the nature of an Earthquake, but our principal units was earthquake resistant structures, we started to create the structure, and later we must calculate to verify if it was an earthquake resistant structure or not. And finally we studied about calculation of foundations and retaining walls... and also we should calculate to verify if it worked or if the house fell 😂 And yes, this subject has a lot of Maths hahaha... And, in classes we have done two works about each unit, and to close the semester, we had a final test this wednesday... That was difficult! It was a lot of work... I hope that I got a good calification 😪 And that's i


Hi! :) 💖 Today I´m going to tell you about an expert of Architecture... To be honest, I don´t have a person that I admire in this field, but regardless , I will tell you about Zaha Hadid... I'm not her fan, but I admire her proyects... Zaha Hadid was an Anglo-Iraqi architect, she was born in 31th October, 1950, Irak, but she lived in Londres all her life. Her architectonic style was "deconstructivism". .  I like her because her style is so extravagant, I think that she has a brilliant imagination... and her proyects are incredible, I love how she makes that all things work... If you see some of her creations, you will find many shapes, heights, designs and curves... This proyects are from other planet! Now, some of her works... When I see this, I think that I'm in a futuristic movie, because I never saw anything like this. I'm not sure, but I believe that architects like her don´t exist...  And that's it, thank u for reading me :)

MY HOBBIES - Sixth Post

Hi :) 💖 Today I'm going to tell u about my hobbies... In my free time, I like to do many things, I always have loved to do crafts, or any thing that I can do with my hands... For example, in 2016-2017, I  sold "Hama beads" keychains, a little piece of plastic that you can design and later you must heat up and melt it to join. In this pictures I show you some of them... Also, since 2018 I entered the Makeup world, and when the pandemic started, I started to practice so much in this... , it wasn't difficult to me, and I love it... with time and practice, you can do any makeup you think... it’s definitely an art. Some of my makeups... At the end of 2020, I started to do "Cold porcelain" figures, keychains and earrings, and I sold some of them... I´t's so entertaining to me. And now, I do "Anime/Manga" glass painting, I enjoy it so much, I must do three more, but University takes a lot of my time, so... I have only been able to do 9 paintings in t

A photograph I like - Fifth Post

Hi everyone! :) 💖 I have many favorite pictures, so... It was very difficult to me, but finally, I chose this one. This picture was taken by me, in January of this year... It shows my four cats, in the front you can see my two older cats (they have 12 years old, the yellow cat is named Camilo, and the grey with white cat is named Heidi) behind of them you can see my two baby cats hahaha (they only have seven months, the black cat named "Piscola" (its a girl) and grey cat named Cuchufli ) This picture makes me so happy, because my cats are like children for me. the Older cats don´t share so much with others, it´s so difficult to find them together, this is the reason because I love this picture... I hope to get a picture like this, but with my dog, in this moment, I wish I could show you my complete pet family :D I had to mark with an arrow where is "Piscola", because she is so dark you wouldn’t found her hahaha...


Hi! :) 💖 Okay, this theme is a little difficult to me, because (don´t hate me please hahaha) I don´t like to watch movies, I prefer to watch series or anime (japanese series), so, I will tell u about some movies and series I enjoy. I dont really have a favorite movie, but if had to choose, I would choose "Star wars - Revenge of the Sith".  The reason why I like this movie is because my brother has always loved the Star wars saga, and I wanted to share this love too, but I´m so bad at watching movies, if I don´t have a friend or someone that stays with me, I can´t. But, I watched "Star wars - New hope" and later "Star wars - Revenge of Sith", and it was a very cool movie , I like fantasy, action and science fiction. Maybe I will try again, and I hope to watch all saga hahaha. And my favorite anime is "Attack on Titan" and "Violet Evergarden". I like both, because their stories are so good and shocking, They show you other realities. The